The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time Dramaturgical Info and Inspo!
Maths A-level: British entrance exam usually for 17-18 year olds to get into university or other further education.
Further education: Higher education in Britain.
Orangeade: An orange drink or soft drink, like lemonade but with oranges (cause its not yellow!)
RVP: Reid Vapor Pressure, a measure of the vitality of petrol.
LFB: London Fire Brigade
p following a number (example, 50p): piece, in regards to money; would be similar to the American cent.
CCTV: Closed Circuit TV, a type of security camera.
Bruv-Hug: Our British version of a Bro-Hug. Follow all of the steps of a standard American Bro-Hug, but add finger guns as both participants part.
Steps: 1. 2. 3. 4.
Math Terms
Cardinal Numbers: A number that denotes how many of something there are (think regular numbers, 1,2,3, etc.), as apposed to Ordinal Numbers, which denote order (first, second, third, etc.)
Prime Numbers: A number that cannot be the product of two other numbers. (the product is the result of multiplying two numbers together). Also, any natural number canoe written as a product of prime numbers. for example:
72=12x6=3x4x6=3x2x2x6=3x2x2x2x3. 2 and 3 are both Prime numbers.